Sunday, May 04, 2008

Pez Witch!

I know I'm coming to the game awfully late on this one, but I've recently discovered the pure ridiculous joy of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I've been known to wait by the mailbox of ill-repute, anxiously looking forward to the next Buffy DVD from Netflix.
I'm on Season 3 and the past two episodes have had major candy references. The first, "Band Candy," dealt with the fact that the candy the kids were selling was making all the adults in town act like wacky teenagers. Fun!
The second episode, "Lovers Walk," (which, by the way, was one of the best so far) had the most touching scene of Oz giving Willow a Pez witch as a present. I had that exact Pez witch, but it got discarded in the Big Purge '07. (Because, you know, the move was made ever so much easier because we didn't have to pack and carry a Pez!)


Jeanna said...

I have a glow in the dark Pez witch from a few years ago. I love it.
You have great taste, Buffy is one of the funniest, most riveting, and well crafted shows of all time.
I think it got juggled around on the local stations and I had to wait a year or so for the last season. I found it pretty sub par, so enjoy all the rest.
Angel, however, was pretty good till the end.

Rachel said...

I used to love that show!!! If you never got into The Gilmore Girls, you must! They have sooooo many candy and junk food references. There was one where they made dessert sushi. It was awesome!